Explore the Legacy of Bluegrass at the Bill Monroe Museum

Explore Our Timeless Exhibits

Bill's Cadillac

Bill Monroe’s actual Cadillac that remained his every day driver until his passing. Kept in pristine condition with some hidden surprises you can only find up close and in person!

Recreation of His Home

With the actual furniture in the same arrangement as Bill had it, have visit to Bill Monroe’s Home as if you were a guest coming over for a few songs! 

Bill's Awards

See many of Bill’s honors and awards received throughout his life including his National Medal of Arts!

Get Up on Stage and Sing with Bill!

The stage in the museum is the setting for many live shows, but on your visit you can grab one of our many instruments and get your picture performing with Bill Monroe!

More of Bill Monroe's Legacy

There’s much more to see including mandolins made entire from wood taken from his original home, his favorite hat, many of his treasured gifts, an signature wall featuring all the greats of bluegrass, and much much more!

Leave your mark on the History of Bluegrass

The Bluegrass Walkway is a very special monument to Bill Monroe and Bluegrass Music… and you can be part of it! Get your very own brick in the walkway with a personal message of your choosing. All funds from the sale of bricks goes to the purchase of a life-size bronze statue of Bill to replace the flag currently on display!